Welcome to my blog. My name is Maria Badell and I'm a licensed acupuncturist in Houston, TX. My background is in Nutrition where I got my B.S. from Texas A&M. A core belief of mine is food is medicine and we should respect that every action we partake everyday has an impact on our health and lives. It was this appeal that brought me to a healing modality that highlights herbal treatment.
It is an exciting time to be a part of the shift in medicine in this country. Natural medicine is gaining more appreciation for it's abilities and effectiveness in helping people where they may have previously lost all hope. It allows us to realize our own personal power in taking charge of our health. The truth is natural medicine is only a guide and the human body is fully capable of setting itself back on course to homeostasis. This guidance with acupuncture needles, herbal formulas or nutritional therapy allows one to get a sense of balance back into life.
This blog is to share useful information about being in tune with our bodies and nature. Also I want to share my passion of healthy food and nutrition for better quality of life and the interesting books I happen to find along this journey. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do sharing it!